As a Cooperative, there are three things that determine how the Cooperative is run. Our nine Board of Directors, Seven Cooperative Principles, MJM Bylaws and Member Policies guide us in doing the right thing for our Members. Should you have any questions, please contact the office at 217-707-6156

2024 Board of Directors with President/CEO Joe Heyen
Your cooperative's Directors are MJM Members just like you. They are elected by you and your fellow co-op members to set policy and govern the co-op. Nine directors sit on the board, residing in and representing a specific district in the cooperative. An MJM Member is eligible to run for Director if they reside in the appropriate district and meet additional requirements as listed in MJM’s bylaws, Section 4.02
Your Board of Directors is chosen through elections each year at the annual meeting. Each of the nine directors is elected for a three-year term and may be re-elected. Majority vote at the annual meeting decides who is elected. Terms are staggered in which three Directors are elected each year.
Prior to each annual meeting of Members, an Election and Credentials (E&C) committee is appointed by the Board. A district candidate must be accompanied by a petition signed by 35 or more MJM Members. Please note, Petition forms are available at the co-op office and must be filed no more than 90 days nor less than 45 days before the annual meeting (Section 4.05, pg 16). After the deadline date, the E&C committee meets with each petitioning nominee and reviews their qualifications before certifying them as a qualified candidate. Please see our Bylaws document, Article IV (pages 12-19) for more details.
Each director represents the members of his or her district. Working closely with the CEO/president, the board ensures the cooperative provides quality service to its members.

Regular monthly Board meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of the month, however, sometimes they are moved to an alternate date due to scheduling conflicts.
If you’d like to speak with the Board director associated with your district, please contact the office during regular business hours and provide your name and a valid phone number. Your callback request will be promptly delivered to your board district representative.

These bylaws are the rules that govern how MJM Electric operates. They detail such things as how membership is gained and terminated and how the board of the directors is elected.
The bylaws were established and approved by MJM members. When a change is proposed, members vote on whether to accept the change.
Please click on the individual links below to review each MJM Member Policy.
Policy 1 - Policy Origin and Approval
Policy 2 - (deleted)
Policy 4 - Regular Meetings of Board of Directors
Policy 4A - Member Attendance at Board Meetings
Policy 5 - Attorney for the Co-op
Policy 6 - Audit of the Cooperative Records
Policy 7 - Consulting Engineers
Policy 8 - Purchase of Wholesale Power
Policy 9 - (deleted)
Policy 11 - Relationships with Associated Groups
Policy 12 - Authorization of Signatures on Bank Checks and Authorization of Electric Payments
Policy 1 - Retail Electric Rates
Policy 2 - Member's Check Returned by Bank
Policy 3 - Termination of Membership or Transfer to Inactive Status by Withdraw or Resignation
Policy 3A - Termination of Membership by Suspension or Expulsion
Policy 4 - Members' Billing Dates
Policy 4A - Access to Electric Meters and MJM Facilities
Policy 5 - Prepaid Electric Service (PES)
Policy 7 - Residential Consumer Security Deposit
Policy 7A - Commercial Consumer Security Deposits
Policy 8 - Disconnection of Electric Service
Policy 9 - Reconnection of Electric Service
Policy 10 - Identity Theft Prevention
Policy 13 - Responsibility to Render Constant and Uniform Electric Service
Policy 16 - Metering for Dwelling
Policy 17 - Line Relocation Request
Policy 18 - Charges for Moving Buildings or Other Items Under Cooperative Electric Line
Policy 20 - Member Services Department
Policy 21 - Member Access to Cooperative Records and Book
Policy 23 - Additional Security Deposit
Policy 24 - Residential Deferred Payment Agreement
Policy 25 - Disconnection of Electric Service During Hot and Cold Weather
Policy 27 - Sales and Setting of Poles
Policy 28 - Temporary Service for Building Construction
Policy 29 - Single-Phase Line Extension Policy
Policy 30 - Three Phase Line Extension Policy
Policy 32 - Overhead and Underground Service for Subdivisions
Policy 33 - Inspection of Consumer's Wiring
Policy 34 - Interconnection and Parallel Operation of Distributed Generation