MJM's SmartHub online bill payment services offers convenient ways to pay. Simply click one of the Website options located in the green boxes below or download the FREE App for on the go access.
Call our Pay-By-Phone number at 1-217-707-6156 (Option 1).
Our automated phone system is a secure, hassle-free way to make a one-time payment using a checking account or credit card.
Please be prepared with the following information:
- Your account number (recommended) or phone number associated with your account,
- If you plan to use a checking or savings account you'll need the routing transit number (identifies your bank, credit union, or financial institution) as well as your checking or savings account number
Please Note: The first time you use our Pay By Phone service, you will be asked to create a PIN number to protect your account. Before creating your PIN number, you will enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN) to verify your identity. If you have not yet provided the Cooperative with your SSN, please call our office at (local) 217-707-6156.

MJM has a payment drop box available after hours located outside, in front of the MJM building at:
18300 Shipman Road
Carlinville, IL 62626
We do request that all payments be made by check and placed in an envelope with your billing stub(s) and that your name be written on the envelope.
Send your payment, along with the payment stub, to:
MJM Electric Cooperative, Inc
P.O. Box 80
Carlinville, IL 62626
We include a pre-addressed return envelope with your monthly bill.
Did you misplace your return envelope? It happens. Simply mail your payment and bill stub to the address above. Keep your due date in mind! If your payment needs to be made within 2-3 days, we suggest to use another form of payment or by dropping it off in-person to our office to avoid late payment charges.

We are open Monday through Friday from 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Our office is able to take cash, checks and all major credit cards as forms of payments.
We are located at:
18300 Shipman Road
Carlinville, IL 62626

Recurring Payments from Checking Accounts, Savings Accounts, Credit Cards, or Debit Cards - The payment will equal the account's net amount due on the day it is drafted, which is the 15th of each month. Unless otherwise stated on your bill. This payment option is available by signing up online or contacting MJM at 217-707-6156. MJM accepts Visa, Discover, and MasterCard payments. If you are signing up a debit or credit card, you must sign up online by using the link indicated above.

Tired of your electric bill jumping up and down from month to month?
Temperature fluctuations can cause energy usage to spike in the summer and winter. With Levelized Billing, your monthly electric bill becomes a “rolling average” of your electric usage for the most recent 12 months, so you pay a similar amount each time.
MJM members who have received power for at least one year and have excellent credit are eligible for this program. To sign up, or to learn more information, please contact the billing department by calling 217-707-6156

Your cooperative offers a payment option that gives you more control over your bill payments than ever before. The prepaid electric service program allows participating members to pay whatever they want, whenever they want as long as a credit remains on the account.
How does it work?
With the new program, you can purchase your electricity before you use it. You could purchase small amounts every few days and not worry about it for a week or two. When your supply is low, you simply purchase more.
Your electric usage is calculated daily, and when the credits in your account are running low, we will contact you via text message, email, or phone to let you know it’s time for you to add funds to your account. Payments can be made online and over the phone 365 days a year, 24/7. Payments can also be made through the mail and in person.
What are the benefits?
Pay on your own schedule:
By joining the program, you are no longer bound by the 15th of the month payment due date. This is especially convenient for those who don’t receive their paychecks until after the 15th.
No extra late fees or disconnect deposit:
If a member accidentally lets his or her account reach $0, there are no extra fees. The member is reconnected as soon as he/she pays the outstanding balance, plus $25 for future electricity usage.
Save money and energy:
Prepaid service participants gain a better understanding of how the electricity they use day to day affects their wallet. As a result, participants in similar programs across the country have typically seen a 10-12% reduction in their monthly electricity costs!
How can I sign up?
Contact the MJM office at 217-707-6156 more info or to sign up.
From time to time, anyone could have a problem paying a bill. In these instances, contact the cooperative as soon as possible before the bill is due on the 15th of the month. If your electric service is disconnected, you will incur even greater expense.
You may be able to work out a deferred payment agreement with your cooperative – keeping your service on. There are also low income assistance services such as the LIHEAP program. (877) 411-9276
LIHEAP is designed to assist eligible low-income households pay for winter energy services. The program will provide a one-time benefit to eligible households to be used for energy bills. The amount of the payment is determined by income, household size, and fuel type. An overdue bill or cut-off notice is not required in order to receive assistance.
Reconnection Assistance may be available if your household is disconnected from an energy source needed for heating and/or a delivered-fuel have refused to deliver and the tank contains 10% or less.
Contact information of government agencies
that may provide assistance:
Illinois Valley Economic Development Corporation
Macoupin County - Gillespie, IL - 217-839-4431
Jersey County - Jerseyville, IL - 618-498-9521
Calhoun County - Hardin, IL - 618-576-2218
Greene County - Carrollton, IL - 217-942-6824
see website
Madison County Community Development
Administrative Office - Edwardsville, IL
618-692-6200 extension 6485
C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation
Effingham, IL - 217-342-2193
Litchfield, IL - 217-324-2367
Hillsboro, IL - 217-532-5971
see website
Payment of the billing statement is due by the 15th of each month. Once an account becomes delinquent, the gross amount is due in full in our office by the end of the 8th day of the following month to avoid disconnection. Any payments not received in our office when we open on the 9th day of the month following the due date, will be subject to disconnection immediately. If you know you are going to be late with a payment, please contact our office as soon as possible by calling 217-707-6156.
MJM Electric Cooperative, Inc