As a not-for-profit Electric Cooperative, any money left over at the end of the year, after all of the bills have been paid, is considered a margin. Normally, margins will be and should be positive. Positive margins are allocated to the Members of the Cooperative each year. Each Members' share of the allocated margins is considered a capital credit. The amount assigned to a Member is based on how much electricity the Member used.
Cooperatives retain capital credits for a number of years and reinvest them back into the Cooperative. By holding onto capital credit allocations, the Cooperative can lessen or eliminate the need to raise rates or borrow money. Essentially, the money is used to assist in operating the Cooperative.
The decision to return capital credits is left up to the Board of Directors. Some of the deciding factors as to when to retire capital credits include the Cooperative's level of equity, the lender requirements and the length of the time that assets are depreciated.
MJM is offering a new opportunity to request an early retirement of capital credits at a discounted rate to all members (former and current). Requests for a discounted early retirement will be accepted between March and August of this year and paid on a first-come, first-serve basis until reaching the board approved budgeted amount. A co-op provided form must be completed, notarized, and submitted to the office acknowledging the terms of this payout. Once paid out, capital credits previously allocated will be forfeited, and the capital credit accumulation will start over at $0.
This early payout opportunity is optional and not required. It is a choice in which each member must weigh the benefits of waiting for regular capital credit retirements to occur or accepting a discounted amount now. For example, because capital credits are reinvested into the co-op and eventually paid out, a member who started their co-op membership in 2020 will likely wait 30+ years to receive a payout of any kind. Someone who started service in 2008, may have to wait nearly 10 years from now.
For additional information or to be added to the early payout request que, submit your information using the google form link "Capital Credits: Early Retirement Request Form" above.
The early payout amount must be calculated and quoted to each member individually. The main factors that will affect the payout amount is related to the age of the capital credit and the number of kilowatts consumed in each related year. When considering this early discount option, please note that newer/younger capital credits (i.e. 2022, 2023, etc.) will be discounted more heavily.

MJM issues capital credit checks based on the last known information we have on file. If MJM has not received notification of a death, divorce, dissolved business, etc., the checks may need to be rewritten in a new name or names.
In such cases, you will need to send certain documentation and forms to MJM to ensure we are reissuing a capital credit check to the right person(s), fairly and legally. After all required documents are returned to us, a new check will be issued.
Please mail paperwork to:
MJM Electric Cooperative
Attn: Billing Department
P.O. Box 80
Carlinville, IL, 62626
FOR ALL SITUATIONS: Please be aware that MJM cannot reissue a check under a new name until the original check is voided or expired. If you have received a check in the mail from us that needs to be rewritten, please return it to us with the rest of the paperwork so that we may void it. Otherwise, the Cooperative must wait for the check's expiration date to pass, which may be 180 days after the issue date.
Attn: Billing Department
P.O. Box 80
Carlinville, IL, 62626
If you are an heir of a deceased Member, please contact MJM's Billing Department at 217-707-6156 to obtain and complete the necessary paperwork required to claim capital credits. Review the following document to learn more about payout options: Capital Credit Estate Retirement Options.
1. After contacting MJM's Billing Department at 217-707-6156, download, print, and complete the appropriate from below:
- Estate Affidavit Form Under $200
- Estate Affidavit Form Over $200
- Also submit a copy of the Member's will if over $200.
2. Determine what should be done with unretired allocations. Find out more information here: Capital Credit Estate Retirement Options.
3. Provide a photocopy of the Death Certificate(s) or other proof of the date of death, such as an obituary or funeral home paperwork.
4. Trusts also require a Trust Affidavit form which can be submitted electronically.
Please note: The checks must be divided among all legal heirs unless one of the following conditions is met:
- The total allocation amount is less than $50
- A will can be provided stating otherwise
- Proof of death can be provided for the other heirs
- MJM receives a signed note from the other heirs stating they do not wish to claim their share of the capital credits.
For those who divorced BEFORE ending their MJM service: The capital credits will go to the spouse who continued to live at the MJM-served residence after the divorce. Please send a copy of the divorce decree as proof of who stayed in the residence.
For those who divorced AFTER ending their MJM service: The capital credits will be divided between the two ex-spouses. Please note that full ownership of the capital credits transfers to the last living member.
In either case, if one Member can affirm that they are to receive all of the Capital Credits related to the joint membership, a Joint Membership Affidavit must be completed.
Please complete and electronically submit a Trust Affidavit.
Ownership of Capital Credits transfer to the last living Member of the partnership/LLC/Corporation. If all previous owners are deceased, the heirs of the last surviving partner can claim the Capital Credits by completing the appropriate forms and submitting them. Please contact MJM's Billing Department at 217-707-6156 for more information.
Please complete and electronically submit an Assignment of Capital Credits form.