In March 2020, MJM’s Membership unanimously voted to launch Operation Round Up (ORU) at the annual meeting of Members. In January 2021, the program officially launched and if you are an active participant to the program, contribution amounts can be found on your monthly billing statements. If at anytime you want to change the status of your participation, please contact the billing department (217-707-6156, press option 2) or you may opt out by completing the Opt Out Form and email it to or send it to MJM Electric, P.O. Box 80, Carlinville, IL, 62626. Members may also choose to contribute extra money each month in addition to the rounded-up amount. We thank YOU for voting ‘yes’ at the 2020 annual meeting which gives YOUR co-op this opportunity to assist in serving YOUR communities. Currently, 3 out of 4 residential MJM Members participate in ORU!
The mission of the Operation Round Up® Program is to assist in strengthening the communities served by MJM Electric. Through this innovative program, the “small change” is earmarked for community betterment groups and other programs in need of financial assistance.
Operation Round Up Funds Available Now!
Section 501(c)(3), 501(c), and 509(a)(1) non-for-profits organizations are encouraged to apply for an Operation Round Up (ORU) grant. Please send all applications, additional forms, and paperwork to Operation Round Up, P.O. Box 80, Carlinville, IL, 62626. Once your application and information is completed and submitted to MJM, the information will then be considered by the Grant Review Board for approval of funds. Review the ORU Application Guidelines and ORU Application below for more details. For any questions regarding ORU or the application process, please call Eric Cooper, Communications and Member Services Coordinator at 217-707-6028.
Please note these important deadline dates -
Cycle 1. 1st Monday in January—Deadline for applications
Cycle 2. 1st Monday in April—Deadline for applications
Cycle 3. 1st Monday in July—Deadline for applications
Cycle 4. 1st Monday in October—Deadline for applications
Please note, applications must be completed in its entirety to be considered to receive a grant.
ORU Applicant Guidelines
Operation Round Up Application
$igned, $ealed, and Delivered!