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We want to make you aware that MJM employees or their contractors will be in performing necessary maintenance on the powerline right-of-way (ROW). This may consist of tree trimming, brush clearing and or the use of herbicides to control incompatible vegetation.
The most common cause of power outages is related to trees that grow into power lines or trees that fall into the lines. The goal of MJM’s Vegetation Management Program is to provide safe and reliable electric service while respecting the environment. Typically the year following brush removal we will do an herbicide application. This allows for a transition of tall overgrown brush and trees to become a diverse environment of low growing grass and plants.
All herbicides used are registered with the Illinois Environmental Protective Agency. Additionally, professional applicators will take special care to assure safe handling and precise application. If you have any questions concerning the MJM Vegetation Management program, please do not hesitate to contact the Cooperative at (local) 217-707-6156 or (toll free) 800-648-4729.